The Institute of Quartz and Jinglan hosted the ninth meeting of the first optical fiber material industry alliance
Release Time:2019-10-28 Hits:4071


On October 25, the Ninth Council and Technical Exchange Meeting of the First Session of the Optical Fiber Material Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance was held in Quzhou, Zhejiang. The conference focused on the technical development direction of optical fiber and cable and materials in the 5G era, new market development opportunities, and discussions on cutting-edge topics in the Fourteenth Five-Year Alliance.

      The conference was hosted by China Electronic Materials Industry Association, and jointly hosted by China Building Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd., China National Building Material Quzhou Golden Quartz Co., Ltd., and Quzhou Green Industry Cluster Management Committee. More than 20 units including Changfei Optical Fiber and Cable Co., Ltd., Fortis Group Co., Ltd., Zhongtian Technology Precision Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Hengtong Optical Fiber Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Fasten Group Co., Ltd., and Qinghai Zhongli Optical Fiber Technology Co., Ltd. Sixty representatives attended the meeting. Relevant leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Quzhou Green Industry Concentration Zone Liu Genhong were invited to attend and give a guiding speech. The conference also invited Professor Dong Xinyong of Guangdong University of Technology and experts from Chinese telecom operators to give special lectures.

      At the meeting, experts from optical fiber manufacturing companies such as Fortis, YOFC, Ruiguang, Tongding, and Zhongtian gave special reports. China Building Materials Research Institute and Jinglan Quartz introduced the latest developments in their respective fields as optical fiber supporting material companies. After the report, the leaders and experts at the meeting expressed their opinions and discussed the future development of China Optical Fiber Material Industry Alliance. In addition, the meeting also voted Jiangsu Yongding Optical Fiber Technology Co., Ltd. and Tangshan Sanfu Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. to become new members of the alliance.

      In the conference summary session, the secretary general of the alliance, Yuan Tong, highly affirmed the active promotion and organizational role played by China Building Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd. and CNBM Quzhou Jingrand Quartz Co., Ltd. in the preparation and convening of this conference , I hope that all alliance members will continue to work hard to promote the development of the alliance.

      The hosting of this conference has expanded the industry influence of China Building Materials Research Institute Quartz and CNBM Quzhou Jingran Quartz Co., Ltd., improved the reputation in the alliance, and brought opportunities for future company development.